Below is the testscript for the simplest CTF service.
#!/usr/bin/python2.5 from sys import argv, exit from socket import * from time import time from sha import sha from time import sleep import sys MY_IP = 'localhost' def bindsock(): s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM) pwu = -1 for i in range(1985, 65000): try: s.bind(('', i)) pwu = i break except: pass if pwu == -1: return -1, None return pwu, s def store(ip, flagid, flag): print "Sending %s to %s" % (flag, ip) s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM) pwu, locsoc = bindsock() if pwu == -1: print "Can't bind local socket" exit(1) locsoc.sendto("add %s %d %s %s" % (MY_IP, pwu, flagid, flag), (ip, 1984)) locsoc.setblocking(False) sleep(5) try: answer = locsoc.recvfrom(1024)[0] except: sys.stderr.write("Service did not respond: %s" % str(e)) exit(1) if answer == 'OK': sys.stderr.write("Service responded according to procotol.") print "OK" exit(0) sys.stderr.write("Service did not respond OK: %s" % repr(answer)) exit(1) def retrieve(ip, flagid, flag): s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM) pwu, locsoc = bindsock() if pwu == -1: print "no port avail!? WTF!!1!" exit(2) print "using port %d" % pwu locsoc.sendto("get %s %d %s" % (MY_IP, pwu, flagid), (ip, 1984)) locsoc.setblocking(False) sleep(5) try: answer = locsoc.recvfrom(1024)[0] except Exception, e: sys.stderr.write("Service did not respond: %s" % str(e)) exit(2) print answer if answer == flag: print "Flag successfully retrieved!" sys.stderr.write("Service returned the correct flag") exit(0) print "Flag *not* successfully retrieved!" sys.stderr.write("Service returned the wrong flag") exit(1) fncts = { 'store': store, 'retrieve': retrieve } if argv[1] == 'test': sys.exit(0) [e, f, a, fid, i] = argv fncts[f](a, fid, i)