HC's Capture the Flag site
CTF Gameserver
Teams and services are configured through the database. You may modify the tables directly, but the preferred way to alter these settings is by using the scorebot administration console.
Database settings are stored in the file settings residing in the CWD of the gameserver. You normally do not have to edit this file once it is created, unless you move your database. If you have lost the file, recreate it using the installation script install.py
The administrator console password is controlled by the adminPassword property of the settings file.
All other settings are controlled by files residing in the control/ subdirectory. For future versions, all settings will be stored in that directory. For now, the following settings exist: (All paths are relative to the control/ directory residing in the gameserver's CWD.
Path to control file | Controlled setting |
htmlsimplefooter | HTML text to insert at the bottom of every generated advisory page. |
msgs/permissiondenied | Message to display when a user demands an operation they are not allowed to perform. |
msgs/passwordincorrect | Message to display when an incorrect password is entered |
msgs/motd | Message to send on successful connections to the scorebot telnet console |
msgs/prompt | Prompt of the scorebot console |
htmlheader | HTML text to insert at the top of every generated page |
htmlfooter | HTML text to insert at the bottom of every non-advisory page |
flagminimalage | Minimal age of a flag in seconds |
wwwpath | Path to the directory all webpages should go to. Can be relative to the scorebot's CWD or absolute. |
wwwroot | URL pointing to the directory specified at wwwpath |
numworkers | Number of worker threads (can be changed at runtime) |
rounddelay | Delay between scoring rounds in seconds |
scorebotconnections | Maximum number of parallel connections to the scorebot telnet interface |
peers | IPs/Hostnames of testscript execution peers. Once IP/Hostname per line. This file may be empty. To reload its contents during runtime, issue r<ENTER> at the gameserver console |
$Id$ Impressum